Automate your bookings the easy way

From activity setup to automated booking and financial management, MagicBooking simplifies every step of your booking process so you can focus on what matters most.

Set up your activities with extensive booking rules and settings in MagicBooking

Set up your activites however you want

Set up activities with powerful, customisable rules for payments, scheduling, and eligibility. Define your financial preferences, VAT status, discounts, and even overlapping schedules. MagicBooking automates everything, handling the details to make sure your setup is flawless.

Powerful activity settings

Restricted to a specific age group, D.O.B, or classroom? Bookable only by staff? Needs a waiting list? MagicBooking covers any activity setup you need!

Take bookings 24/7

Offer seamless, 24/7 booking access from any device, allowing your parents to book and reserve spots wherever they are. With MagicBooking, you provide flexibility while maintaining control over schedules and availability, making it easier for everyone.

Real time availability

No more calls and emails from parents asking you if there are spots left, we handle it and tell parents there and then!

Instant booking confirmations

No more late nights having to confirm booking statuses. We handle confirmations so parents instantly know about their booking status!

Increase your booking intake volume with MagicBooking - a platform that lets you take bookings anytime, anywhere, 24/7
Automate financial compliance with booking rules for parent - on MagicBooking

Automate financial and compliance management

From overdue accounts and deposit requirements to VAT and discount settings, MagicBooking automates complex financial processes. Set your preferences, and let us ensure compliance and accuracy in every transaction.

Powerful booking rules to remove financial uncertainty

Define overdue limits, set cancellation periods if payments haven't been received after a specific time, and more.

Built-in discount and deposit management

Set up discounts and specific deposit amounts for activities and relax knowing MagicBooking will enforce them for you!